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Fuscopannaria leucostictoides

PNW Range:
  West sideOccasional
  East sideNone
  Immediate coastOccasional
  Alpine or subalpineNone
Habitat: Edges of coastal forests, oak savannas, and other valley and foothills woodlands, rarely inland on edges of old oceanic forests.
Substrate: Bark and wood of hardwoods and conifers, rarely on rock
Synonymy: none
Fuscopannaria leucostictoides - Apothecia
by B. McCune
Fuscopannaria leucostictoides - Habit
by B. McCune
Fuscopannaria leucostictoides - Lobes
by B. McCune
Fuscopannaria leucostictoides - Spores
by B. McCune
Scale: Bar=1mm unless noted
Growth Form
Fruticose: Never
Foliose: Almost always
Crustose: Never
Appressed Foliose: Almost always
Fluffy Foliose or Strappy: Never
Dangling Hair: Never
Erect Hair: Never
Appressed Hair: Never
Stalks With Squamules: Never
Stalks: Never
Squamules: Never
Single Holdfast: Never
Dangling Nets: Never
Lobe Width (mm): 0.6 (± 0.3)

Upper Surface
Upper Surface Color    (Dry) 
   Pale Gray: Almost always
   Dark Gray: Almost always
   Brown: Almost always
Upper Surface Tomentose: Never
Upper Surface Pruinose or Scabrid: Commonly
Upper Surface with Network of Ridges: Never
Upper Surface with Pseudocyphellae: Never
   Upper Surface with Holes into Cavity: Never
Cilia on Margins: Never
Lower Surface (Foliose)
Lower Surface Color    (Dry) 
   Whitish: Almost always
   Pale Gray: Sometimes
   Dark Gray: Almost always
   Black: Almost always
   Brown: Almost always
Veined Below: Never
Rhizinate Below: Never
Tomentose Below: Sometimes
Cyphellae: Never
Pseudocyphellae Below: Never
Papillae Below: Never

Inside (Medulla) Yellow or Orange: Never
Central Cord: Never
Hollow Stalks or Hollow Lobes: Never
Gelatinous: Never

Green Algae Primary Photobiont: Never
Cyanobacteria Primary Photobiont: Almost always
Internal Cephalodia: Never
External Cephalodia: Never

Sexual Reproduction
Perithecia: Never
Apothecia: Sometimes
   Mazaedium: Never
Disk Color    (Dry) 
   Disk Brown or Tan: Almost always

Asexual Reproduction
Isidia: Never
Soredia: Never
Lobules: Sometimes