Tips for using this key:
- Please read Characteristics page if you are not familiar with lichens or Hypogymnia.
- Select a couple characteristics and click the 'Search' button.
Interpreting results:
- Greenness indicates match to likely species. Purpleness indicates mismatch to likely species.
- Species values for quantitative characteristics are shown as Mean (± Standard Deviation)
- Species values for boolean characteristics are shown as 'Value (Probability)'. Ex: 'Yes (0.9)' indicates among individuals
of this species, 90% will have this particular characteristic.
- Score : Relative probability among 31 North American species
- Fit : How well do the selected characteristics match. Red indicates bad fit.
- If a species has a relatively high Score (from 0 to 100) compared to other species and good Fit (above 50%), click on the name to look at the species page.
- If several species have scores within 4x, try selecting more characteristics, with particular focus on those marked with orange stars (*), which indicate most discerning characteristics among the most likely species.
- If the most likely species all have bad fit scores, check your selections carefully.