Legend | More
Purpleness | Degree of mismatch to likely species.
| Greenness | Degree match to likely species.
| x% | In 'Most Likely Species', for boolean characteristics (choice of two options, usually Yes/No), x% means that for that species, x% of the time the species has the selected characteristic value. Example: If you select 'Cilia on Margins' = 'Yes', for Parmotrema perlatum, '90%' means 90% of the time, this species has this characteristic.
| Mean (± Standard Deviation) | In 'Most Likely Species', for quantitative characteristics (enter number in field), for each species, the mean and standard deviation are displayed.
| Dark Red | Non-lichen
| ** or * Most(**) and more(*) discerning characteristics among likely species.
| Score: | Relative probability indicator that your specimen matches this species (out of 247 common macrolichens)
| Fit: | Absolute probability indicator that your selected characteristics matches this species' characteristics
| | Zero fit or zero score - if all likely species have red bars, time to re-evaluate.
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