The Hypogymnia Species of North America

Hypogymnia castanea

Click on Characteristic name for explanation. Click on image for larger version.


Synopsis: Loosely appressed to imbricate, often forming planar sprays of lobes, less often suberect, upper surface dark brown, glossy, with no apparent reproductive structures; medulla K-, KC+ orange red, P+ orange red.
Distribution: Seward Peninsula in Alaska and Chukotsky Peninula in Russia; as yet unknown from outside the Bering region.
Habitat: arctic tundra
Range: Arctic, Subarctic, Alpine
Other Diagnostics: Dark brown glossy with horizontal growth form and P+ and no apparent reproductive structures
Substrate Notes: On mosses or detritus, or rock, rarely on bark or wood.
Abundance in North America: Rare
Substrate: Rarely
Host: N.A.
On Rock: Occasional
On Moss/Detritus/Sod: Typically
Authority: Krog
References: McCune (2008)
Synonymy: None
Hypogymnia castanea - Habit

Vegetative Structures

Habit Appressed: Commonly
Habit Pendulous: Never
Habit Erect to Suberect: Sometimes
Size (cm): Mean: 10 SD: 5
Upper Color- White to Greenish Gray: Greenish gray to brown
Upper Surface Brown when Solarized: Blackish or unknown
Dark Mottles: Present
Black Border: Often present
Lobes Separated: Separate to imbricate
Lobe Outline: Even to +/- nodulose
Upper Surface Texture: Smooth
Branching: Variable
Budding: Occasional
Lobe Width (mm): Mean: 1.4 SD: 0.3
Lobe Tips, Axils, and/or Lower Surface Perforated: Never
Lobe Tips Perforated: Entire
Lower Surface Perforated: Sparsely perforate
Cavernulae: Never
Thallus Texture: Cart.-papery
Medulla: Almost always
Ceiling Color: White
Floor Color: Dark
Hypogymnia castanea - Lobe cavity
Lobe cavity
Hypogymnia castanea - Lobes
Hypogymnia castanea - Lower surface
Lower surface
Hypogymnia castanea - Lobe cavity
Lobe cavity
Hypogymnia castanea - Lobes

Reproductive Structures

Soredia: None
Schizidia: Rarely
Isidia: None
Lobules: None
Apothecia: Unknown
Pycnidia: Common
